Pure Vermont Maple Syrup from Sunnybrook Farm
Sunnybrook Farm, also known as The Day Homestead, is one of the oldest properties in Sharon, Vermont. The house was built in 1810, and other outbuildings were added over time. The farm successfully raised trout for over 70 years, but Dave Phillips has been raising vegetables since 2008. He specializes in Vermont maple syrup, seed garlic, produce, and other value added products that are sold through local coops. Although not certified, Sunnybrook farm does practice organic principals.

Dave is a second generation, award-winning Vermont maple sugarmaker. He is proud to boil in the lovely post and beam sugarhouse that his father built. The operation is tucked into a wooded hillside which enables the use of natural vacuum rather than pumps. The maple syrup evaporator is fueled with wood and the entire process is done the old fashioned way. Since no reverse osmosis is used, the hours of boiling are long, but that’s just fine with Dave since making pure maple syrup is his passion.